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Key Replacement
One of the most common reasons people need keys made is because they have lost a key. It’s easy to do! Keys are small and easily misplaced, or they can even fall into impossible-to-reach places such as down a storm drain. In these kinds of situations, you might be concerned that it will be impossible to ever get into your home again, but there’s no need to fear. A professional keymaker can help you in no time.
Key replacement can be simple, fast, and easy when you work with us, as we’ll make keys to replace the ones you’ve lost. Our locksmiths are mobile, which means that they can be on the way to your home or business in a matter of minutes and can help you get inside and get on with your day.Residential Key Making
Another common reason people need new keys is for their new locks! When you buy a new home, you will want to change the locks right away, so that you can be sure that only you have access to your home. That means you’ll want to make sure that everyone in your family (as well as a trusted neighbor or friend who lives nearby) has a copy of the new keys.
We can quickly provide as many house keys as you need so that you can give them to everyone who needs to be able to get into your house.
We can even provide you with slightly different keys for different people. For example, we can create a locking system where all of the keys will open the front door, but only yours and your spouse’s will open the key to the master bedroom. That way, you can keep valuables and important documents in there without worrying about nosy teenagers or service providers looking through them.
We can even provide slightly different keys for each of your children’s rooms, while you have a master key that will unlock them all – providing privacy from their siblings but giving you the ability to oversee their possessions.
When you need residential keys made, call us – we make great quality keys for homes of all sizes.
Commercial Key Making
As key makers, we understand how important it is for your business to be secure. If you are moving into a new space, you will want to make new master lock keys and rekey locks throughout the building. Your office building probably holds thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment, not to mention invaluable private information that you use to be successful. The last thing you need is to fall victim to a break-in, or to an angry employee accessing parts of the building that they shouldn’t.
Commercial key making can be overwhelming, especially if you have a large space and numerous different levels of access. For example, your C-suite might need access to all parts of the building, while entry-level employees maybe only need access to their own offices and public space, and managers fall somewhere in the middle. When we rekey locks, we can provide you with a system that allows various levels of access.
We also know that with so many people accessing your space, it’s inevitable that keys will be lost. Your employees might accidentally lose them, or you might fail to retrieve a key from a former employee moving on to a new opportunity. Whatever the reason, there’s a good chance you will find yourself needing key replacement at some point. When you work with Alert Lock & Key, we can replace your keys quickly, so that you can keep your business running smoothly.
If you need key replacement in San Antonio, whether it’s for your home or your business, we are the right people to call. Our professional locksmiths can help you get the right keys into the right hands quickly so that your business or home is secure and everyone who needs to have access. We know that nothing can slow life down like not having simple and secure access to your buildings, which is why we take pride in being fast and responsive to all of our customers’ needs. Give us a call today, and we can rekey locks or replace keys for you right away.
Just like there are many types of locks, there are also all sorts of reasons why you might need a San Antonio keymaker. At Alert Lock & Key, we make keys for a variety of locks and can help make sure that you always have the exact number of keys that you need for your home or business.