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San Antonio Alarm Systems
Protect from Intruders
The most obvious use for an alarm system is to prevent thieves from entering your home. In fact, most burglars say that they would avoid attempting to break into any home with a residential security system. They know that these systems make it much harder for them to get away with their crimes. Since the average loss per burglary offense is $2,361, according to the FBI, investing in a surveillance system is a great way to protect yourself from a major financial loss.
We all hate to think about the possibility of someone doing harm to our families, and most burglars enter homes thinking they are empty. However, if they are surprised to find people inside, that can sometimes result in aggressive behavior. A security system can provide your family with the warning that they need to get themselves to a safe place or out of the home, and away from danger.

Protect from Other Dangers
A security system doesn’t only protect your home against intruders, it can also protect against other dangers to your home and family. For example, many security systems include heat detectors, which can provide warning of a fire that is starting and give you enough time to get out of the building. Many also have carbon monoxide detectors, which can be extremely dangerous and is not smelled or otherwise sensed by humans. Your alarm system could save your life by detecting carbon monoxide in the air. Alert Lock has some of the best alarm systems in San Antonio.
Save on Insurance
In many places, homeowner’s insurance is a mandatory part of being a homeowner. Protecting your home can be a major monthly bill and installing a security system is a great way to make it a bit smaller. Insurance providers know that having an alarm system makes it less likely that your home will be burglarized, so they reward you with better rates. Most insurance providers will cut your bill by ten to twenty percent for having a surveillance system installed on your San Antonio home. So give us a call to help you install an alarm system to keep you and your family safe and save some money.
Have Other People Watching Your Home
Many alarm systems are linked up to a central monitoring system, which means that if they go off, the monitoring company can call emergency services. This is significant if you are someone who regularly travels away from home. If someone breaks into your house when you’re away, and you don’t have an alarm system, they could have hours to rummage through your valuables instead of just a few minutes. If a fire starts and your pets are the only one’s home, they could end up dying instead of being quickly rescued by firefighters. Having an outside monitoring system is a great way to guarantee the security of your valuables when you aren’t able to do it yourself.
View Your Home Remotely
Many modern surveillance systems include cameras that can be located either inside or outside of your home and then linked to your smartphone. They often include an app that makes it easy for you to monitor your home while you are traveling. You can just open up the app and make sure that everything is still as it should be in your home. This can bring huge peace of mind since you don’t need to depend on neighbors to let you know if something goes wrong – you’ll be able to see for yourself that everything is fine.
Choosing a home security system can be overwhelming, which is why you want to work with a team of professionals that can help you find the best fit for your San Antonio home. San Antonio alarm systems can range in price and quality, and we’ll help you find the right fit for you. We can also do a full installation of all aspects of the security system. After all, your alarm system won’t do you any good if it is not properly installed. When you work with Alert Lock & Key, you can be confident that your surveillance system is constantly on alert, and ready to protect your home and family from potential dangers. Give us a call today to get started.If you’ve been lucky enough not to be a victim of a break-in or attempted break-in, a home alarm system can seem like an expense that’s not worth it. However, that’s not true – a security system is actually a great investment in keeping yourself, your family, your valuables, and your property safe.